Friday, 23 June 2017

General science quiz vyapam

1.Electromagnets are made of soft iron because soft iron has--High
Susceptibility and Low Retentivity

2.Gout is caused due to accumulation of--Uric acid

3.What is absolute zero on the Celsius scale  :      -273 (note the minus sign)

4.The process of pollination is helped most by which of the following biotic
components?-- insects

5. The number of electrons emitted by a surface exposed to light Is directly
proportional to the:-- intensity of incident light

6.  If the cylinder in which gas is stored in vacuum were to suddenly burst,
then the temperature of gas shall:-- Remain constant

7.If the ratio of amplitude of wave is 2:1, then the ratio of maximum and
minimum intensity shall be--9:1

8. Which of the following is said to be “Stable”?--Neutron

9. Which of the following is NOT a part of the brain ?--Pinna

10.Chloropicrin is used as:--Tear gas

11.Which of the following is NOT a type of screen of Television--VHS

12.Largest ecosystem of the World is: /Oceans

13.Metals are good conductors of electricity because they contain--Free

14. White Revolution could not have been possible without the revolutionary
contribution made by which of the following personalities? Louis pasteur

15.Who is the Minister of State (Independent) for New & Renewable Energy,
Government of India? /--Piyush goyal

16. Which among the following is not a flightless bird?--Sooty

17.Ozone Layer is present in which of the following spheres--Stratosphere

18.Maximum amount of Fresh Water is used in: /Agriculture

19. The minimum acceleration with which a fireman can slide down a rope of
breaking strength 2/3rd of his weight shall be: g/3

20.The unit of pole strength is--amp– metre

21.Which among the following is an evidence to show that there must be a
force acting on Earth and directed towards the Sun--Revolution
of the Earth around the Sun

22.Phenol gives characteristic colouration with--Aqueous ferric chloride solution

23.Glucose on reaction with Br2 water gives--Gluconic acid

24. Haemoglobin of the human blood forms a stable complex compound. With
which of the following gas given below does it lead to human death-Carbon monoxide

25.Which of the following reacts with Glass--Hydroflouric acid

26.The difference between Systolic and Diastolic Pressure is--Pulse pressure

27.Age of a tree can be estimated by-no of annular rings

28.The temperature at and above which a ferromagnetic material becomes
paramagnetic is called:/;;Currie temperature

29.Following are breeds of cows, except: Nagpuri

30.Cod liver oil is: Emulsion

31.Amrita is sitting in an open jeep which is moving at a constant velocity and
throws a ball vertically into the air above, the ball shall fall;;Exactly
back in her hands

32. The number of lenses in a terrestrial telescope are:: 3 lenses

33.The main function of the switch is to: coplete or break a circuit

34.The colour that appears on the thin film of soap and soap bubble is due to
a phenomena known as:Interference

35.The Acetic Acid contained in Vinegar is:7 -8%

36. The Organism that carries a disease from an Organism to another is known
as: Vector

37.In a food chain, Lion is a: Tertiary consumer

38.Who is the present Minister of Environment, Forests and Climate Change,
Government of India?    Mr.Prakash Javadekar

39.In which of the following animals, diaphragm has no role to play during
the process of respiration:Frog


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